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This lady-owned business definitely celebrates the achievements of other women, and supports gender equality. *high fives, all around*
One of the questions we get a lot is, “Who are Tillie & Rose?” Well, they were our maternal great grandmothers, and their lives, what they passed on to us through their genes and way of seeing the world, have been largely influential to us. We have a consistent way of recognizing beauty and appreciating life, that we can trace directly back to Grandma Rose. We are so grateful for this gift.
“It takes courage to set yourself on fire”
I feel really blessed when it comes to the women in my life, even if I don’t get to see them as often as I would like. I truly admire their bravery, ferocity, intelligence, kindness, and authenticity. I’ve been planning a series of portraits of women, and I’ll be starting with my beautiful friends. This work will probably end up being shown in October, as part of a show featuring a body of work by Courtney Robson, and celebrating some rad ladies. You can support Courtney in her Famous Women de los Muertos series, and get some awesome incentives through her Kickstarter campaign: click on the image below to get there!
We’ve had our shop open for just over 4 months now, and I absolutely love how we’ve been able to work in this space where our vision overlaps with the visions of others. We’ve got about a dozen different women, who excel in their craft, that we’re thrilled to be working with on various projects and workshops coming up. We can’t wait for you to meet them. You can sign up for our mailing list to get the details on future events & exhibitions.
Since today is International Women’s Day, we wanted to share some awesome lady inspo with you:
This playlist:
This Pinterest board:
Follow tillie & rose’s board inspiring women on Pinterest.
This local business resource: Seton Hill E-Magnify Women’s Business Center
This photography blog for women: Flourish
This store for lady needs: The Period Store
This local shop with all the right support for new momma bodies: Mommy Gear
This important article about the current global backlash against women’s rights: Amnesty International
Who are the women you look up to the most? What are your favorite resources for women? Who are your favorite female artists? Discuss in the comments!
burn bright,